I'm surprised Jose Aldo even had the energy to fight, let alone defeat, Kenny Florian at this past Saturday's UFC title fight, after getting his @ss handed to him by a surly sprout. As seen from this picture it looks like the sprout used a classic arm-bar forcing his opponent to tap out before even getting to the ring. Time to get the cauliflower out of your ear and listen up little lady: If the sprout wants you down, it will take you down.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I'm surprised Jose Aldo even had the energy to fight, let alone defeat, Kenny Florian at this past Saturday's UFC title fight, after getting his @ss handed to him by a surly sprout. As seen from this picture it looks like the sprout used a classic arm-bar forcing his opponent to tap out before even getting to the ring. Time to get the cauliflower out of your ear and listen up little lady: If the sprout wants you down, it will take you down.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Instead of spending his time trying to banish nonexistent snakes from Ireland, St. Patrick should've focused his efforts more on getting sprouts out of the downtown area of White Plains. Everything from budding sprouts to fully bloomed sleeves could be seen stumbling about in a drunken green haze last night. I realize now that it's not drinking that brings out the worst in people, it's being Irish.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Take heed my flannel wearing friend, it's been rumored that it was actually Kurt Cobain's sleeve sprouts that shot him in the face and not a suicide after all. So stay true to your 90s fashion all you want but I wouldn't fall asleep next to any loaded firearms in the near future. Eddie Vedder actually sleeps shirtless for this exact reason...true story.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Here we have an interesting anthropological find, where common man is seen in his natural three-walled habitat looking triumphant in what he clearly mistakes as a victory over the protruding sleeve sprout. You can tell by the way this simple creature licks his lips and throws his hands in the air in jubilation with the belief that a matching color undershirt cleverly hides the advancing surculus sleevritus. Obviously this species has a long way to evolve.
Click image for enhanced evaluation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So turn the mirror on yourself America...you are the only one to blame for the failure of our future generations.
Monday, January 3, 2011
I thought I would start the new year off right and show you a more risqué version of a sprout that I like to call the Strap Sprout. This display of pure unbridled sexuality makes me think that this lady of the night will not be going home alone. In fact, I think she may already have one potential customer looking for a midnight pony ride.
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Do you have some embarrassing pictures of your friends with sleeve sprouts? Send them on over and I will be happy to publicly ridicule them on this blog.